Monday, November 12, 2007

You know what really pinches my grundle?

Old people with nothing better to do then make other peoples lives as miserable as their own pointless existence....First, you need some background to understand this one...I live in a townhouse with underground parking for two...problem is we have three roommates with cars. So, one month out of every three we take turns parking on the street. The only issue with that is our street is permit parking during weekdays between 8am and 5pm. So, for the month of October of this year I was coming home after work, around 5pm parking on the street and getting up to leave before 8 to avoid a ticket. Well, one night I come home late and find the last spot on the street between what I think is two permit parking only signs but what turned out to be a handicapped parking space...the only one on our block, that no one even knew was there before I had the pleasure of finding it. So, the next morning I come out at 7:30 AM to take off for work. I noticed a beautiful, shiny green parking ticket on my car. I immediately am confused and upset because I was moving my car before the 8am deadline and shouldn't be receiving a ticket. When, I have the pleasure of opening up this little baby, I notice it's a 500 dollar fine...that's US dollars not pesos....although there are enough Spanish speaking people around that we might as well have both currencies in circulation...but I digress....As I look up and notice the handicapped parking sign that I have never seen before I also noticed a little old lady sitting on her porch glaring down at me with a look on her face as if to say "gotcha asshole". I then notice the ticket was given to me at about 6:15 AM that morning. No parking police are patrolling our roads at that time of the day meaning that this old hag was up prior to 6 AM and on her porch looking for someone to be in her spot, called the cops when she noticed my car there and waited around to see me find the ticket on my way to work.

Now let me say, I don't believe in parking in a handicapped zone, I have never done this before and would never purposely do it either. What I do take offense to is the complete indecency of this woman to take pleasure in making sure I pay the maximum fine for parking in her spot, when I am almost positive she doesn't even own a car! Just to make things even sweeter, I notice the fine can be anywhere from 100-500 dollars so I recieved the maximum no doubt because this old lady made a big stink to the police about it. Now I have a court date to try and pull some leniancy from a judge to lessen the fine, as 500 dollars is a little more than I have to spend right now for a mistake as small as not seeing a sign.

The best part is, she has a steep staircase in front of her house with no wheelchair ramp or any other access to her front porch. This implies she is either capable of climbing these stairs herself which means she is perfectly capable to walk a few feet down the road like the rest of us, or someone carries her down, highly improbable....OR she never leaves her effing house which is the most likely answer....I am considering acts of revenge if I am to pay this entire 500 dollar fine so any ideas are much appreciated....

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