Monday, November 12, 2007

You know what really sweats my nutsack....

My brain operates too slowly to reach optimal offensiveness-

on the L train the other day, I see a woman scolding her young daughter on the adjacent train . At the next stop, the woman pulls her child into our car and the argument ensues. Slowly, the argument captures more and more attention from surrounding passengers who are remaining seemingly distant, but very aware of the situation.

The woman screams at her daughter "I don't care how poor we are. We are better than this. Don't take food from strangers"!

As the woman turns to situate herself on the train, her little girl reaches into her mothers bag and pulls out an Eggo waffle someone had earlier slipped into the bag. When the mother turns to find the waffle in her daughters hand, she quickly grabs the waffle and initiates a tug-of-war match for the precious waffle.

The tension shared between the passengers was undeniably thick. Everyone - heads down and eyes up were trying to remain serious, but at any moment someone could slip and start to laugh at this funny- but not really situation.

In the midst of the battle, both the mother and the daughter lose grip of the Ego waffle sending the breakfast medallion spinning into the air... eventually landing on the girls head.

This is what really sweats my nutsack. Only after the fact did I realize if I had said "L'eggo my Eggo" during the climax of the battle, I would have made everyone on that train look like an asshole for openly laughing at what they were silently laughing at. I feel this is a metaphor for life, and we can all learn from it.

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